Antonella Gentile left on 18 April. She had everything she needed on her bike for the bike trip, lasting about 8 months, with Japan as the destination. Antonella had plenty of adrenaline, curiosity and the desire to ride.

It is nothing new to her to explore faraway places on a bike. In 2017, she left Barletta to cycle to North Cape, and in 2018 she cycled all around Italy in 60 stages.

This new experience will take her to Japan and this time we are happy to accompany her with our Well M1 Gel saddle. Antonella took a ferry from Bari to Dubrovnik and then started her bike trip in Croatia. She is going to ride through Croatia and then most of Eastern Europe (Slovenia, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia). When she arrives in Tallinn, she is going to catch a train to St. Petersburg and then continue along the Trans-Siberian route, the stretch that goes from Russia to China, and then to Beijing. She intends to visit several cities in China and then go to Japan, where she is going to spend three months visiting the country.

What inspired her to go to Japan is not only her love of cycling and of this country but also her desire to support African women who travel for miles to collect water. With the funds raised during her bike trip, Antonella will be supporting a project by Amref, whose goal is to build water wells in Africa.

Follow Antonella's adventure with us on the Facebook page entitled "My bike trips in Italy and the world" or follow our social channels, where we will be posting some pictures that Antonella is going to send directly to us.

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